Greater Memphis Area Chapter of AACN

2023-2024 GMAC-AACN events

Posted 9 months ago by Kimberly Kennel

Happy August!!

We are looking forward to a great year as we celebrate 50 years as a local AACN chapter.  Our national theme for this historic year is "Rising Together." We have a great year planned and we hope you will join us and invite your critical care friends. 

We have included a list of dates for our events for 2023-2024.  Before each event we will provide signup details/location/times etc. but we wanted to get these dates on your calendars. 

Community service for each dinner program meeting will be donations to our local food bank.  We encourage you to bring canned food/monetary donations at each dinner meeting to give back to those in need. 

To celebrate our 50 years Rising Together-  we will have a small gift for our members at each dinner meeting.  

Calendar of Events

Sept. 5, 2023 - Dinner program meeting

Dec. 5, 2023- Dinner program meeting

February 9 & 10, 2024- CCRN live review course

March 5, 2024- Dinner program meeting

March 21, 2024- Certification Dinner

March 22, 2024- Spring Seminar

May 19-22, 2024- NTI- Denver, Colorado

June 4, 2024- Dinner program meeting

We are always looking for volunteers for our chapter.  Please reach out to any of our board members if you wish to volunteer. Don't forget to check your renewal status and see if it is time to renew your national/local memberships so you keep receiving the most up to date information. 

Kim Kennel 

AACN-GMAC President 2023-2024


Celebrating 50 Years Rising Together 1973-2023

Rising Together